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  • Urban 09:00 on 14 Nov. 2012 Permalink |  

    Smart bulbs (and other musings) 

    As a gadget enthusiast I instinctively clicked “Back this” when I saw the Lifx project on Kickstarter. I was torn, however, when I saw the public outcry regarding the founder and his alleged incapability to ship a cardboard box. I hesitated until the last day, not sure whether to keep the pledge or cancel it.

    Meanwhile, I happened to stumble upon another similar project at the Mini Maker faire at Strataconf NY–the Visualight. It instantly caught my eye and one of the founders explained to me how he was just finishing the writeup when the Lifx project came online.

    So I said, “convince me that you’re better and I’ll cancel the Lifx pledge and back yours instead.”

    He did give me a pitch with plenty of differentiation, saying that Visualight is a great data visualization tool which sports open APIs for all the communication. Who needs disco effects and music visualization, when you can have the light change color according to weather, stocks or subway service (kind of like the Nabaztag / Karotz).  He also showed me a working prototype.

    But right there, I couldn’t decide which one had a better premise. It all boiled down to the “smart bulb, stupid network” (Lifx) vs. “smart network1, stupid bulb” (Visualight) dilemma, and I got an instant case of analysis paralysis.

    I started thinking that I’ve seen the story many times before.

    For example, in computers.

    In computing we started off with a centralized design (mainframes) and dumb terminals. Then the brain moved to the local box (PC), and now, finally, it’s moving back to the network (cloud), with the clients getting more and more stupid once again (just take a look at Chromebook).

    Something similar seems to be happening in mobile phones, with the brain first moving from the network to your iPhone, and now slowly creeping back into the datacenter (Siri, anyone? Or maps with server-computed turn-by-turn?)

    But right now the infrastructure is not quite there yet. It’s not infallible and 99.999% robust, and it pisses us off when Siri can’t take a simple note. Imagine you can’t turn on your light at 2AM because your server’s down.

    So that’s what I was thinking while standing there, staring blankly into empty space. I decided that (at least my) world might not be ready for a remote controlled stupid bulb.. yet.

    And a couple of days later, Philips announced the Hue. It’s severely limited (iOS only, and the bulbs are not self-sufficient; it uses an additional ethernet-connected gateway which communicates with bulbs via ZigBee). However, with its market cap, lighting expertise, reputation and virtually the same price point, Philips might have just eaten the lunch of every other lighting startup.

    Then there’s another issue where Philips wins: safety. A product like that, done wrong, can easily burn down your house. I’ve already seen the remains of an exploding Chinese USB charger, and this is indeed a great concern. Compared with cheap Chinese LED bulbs that I bought en masse years ago, such a smart bulb has to be always on to benefit from its embedded computer. If you switch it off, it’s dead.

    So we’ll have to wait and see who’s going to be the winner here. The race is long. In fact, it’s never-ending.

    And no, I haven’t cancelled the pledge.



    1. and here, by “smart network” I mean “a server” []
  • Urban 22:23 on 16 Jun. 2012 Permalink |  


    Today’s sunspots.


    Sunspots 2012-06-16; click to enlarge

    Some notes on taking the picture: I used a budget Celestron Powerseeker 127eq with a bunch of DIY accessories. The small aperture of the front mask was covered with mylar film; instead of the eyepiece I used a T-mount, made from a camera body cap and a piece of PVC sink pipe, held together by plumber’s putty. It sounds pretty much like MacGyver, and it was. Why complicate so much, you ask, if you can get a T-mount for pocket change? Because you can’t get one the last day when you finally decide you want to take pictures of the venus transit.

    Of course, to prevent shaking, a 10s timer and mirror lockup had to be used. Finally, the photo was cropped and adjusted for better contrast.

    Compare that to the one NASA captured.


  • Urban 20:00 on 13 Jun. 2012 Permalink |  

    Backing up large zpools 

    I’ve just recently heard the term “data gravity”, which implies that large amounts of data are next to impossible to move. I’ve experienced this with my ZFS NAS, which makes heavy use of compression and deduplication to cram tons of backup VMWare images to a 2TB mirrored volume.

    To back it up I simply did what seems to be best practice around the Internets: I attached a USB volume, used zfs send to synchronize only the changes between the most recent common snapshots, and that was it. However, the process took a long time.

    Fast forward a couple of months, when I naively played with the thing and tried virtualizing it (VMware + raw device map), in the process corrupting the zpool so badly, that it had to be restored from backup in its entirety.

    If I thought syncing the changes to USB took long (days), this took weeks. That’s when I learned about mbuffer to speed up zfs sync, but dedup and compression still took their toll. Plain uncompressed and undeduped file systems synced with normal USB read speeds (about 15MB/s), while dedup slowed zfs send down by two orders of magnitude.

    So I’ve resorted to a little advertised approach, which has so far also proved to be the most fool-proof. It’s using the zpool resilvering mechanism for what’s called a split mirror backup.

    It goes like this: you create a 3-way mirror. Pull out one disk and shelf it as backup. When you want to “refresh” your backup, plug it back in and put it online using something like zpool online tank c5t0d0.

    A great surprise was how smart the resilvering process is. It doesn’t rewrite the entire disk, but only copies the changes. There’s a lot of advantages over zfs sending, at least from my point of view:

    • it’s fast, without the need to fiddle with mbuffer or copy each filesystem individually
    • no snapshots needed to serve as reference for incremental zfs send
    • creates an exact copy (entire zpool, with all the properties intact), so if your server burns, the backup drive can immediately serve as a seed for a new server
    • if you pull out a disk during resilvering, there seems to be no harm and the process just continues next time

    The only drawback is that your pool is always in a degraded state, because a disk is missing. But that’s really a minor inconvenience.


    • Damian Wojsław 09:38 on 15 Jun. 2012 Permalink

      I’d recommend not using deduplication, as it can get you in a lot of trouble if not used carefully. What is often suggested solution is to create a separate zfs filesystem for golden image of a virtual machine and then provision creating zfs clones. You have a kind of a cheap deduplication, without the additional trouble of DDT.

    • Urban 12:03 on 16 Jun. 2012 Permalink

      Hi, thanks for your comment 🙂

      I’m more and more aware of the troubles of dedup, and have already disabled it on most filesystems where the performance penalty outweighs the benefits. 

      However, I have a single zfs serving as destination for remote backups of vmware images; since the data is highly redundant, the dedup factor is large; there’s also not that much unique data, so the ddt can easily fit in ram. Last but not least, the performance of this archiving process is absolutely *not* critical, and if everything blows up, it’s just backups 🙂

      But I do have important data on other filesystems in the pool and I still want to back up the entire thing to an external disk. Do you see any potential problems with the split mirror backup I described? What mechanism do you use?

    • Collin C. MacMillan 04:41 on 8 Jul. 2012 Permalink

      Beware this form of backup as it will not survive disk corruption (i.e. non-recoverable hard or soft errors) on the “backup” disk. It is also no good for more complex pool configurations… 

    • Urban 15:07 on 8 Jul. 2012 Permalink

      Thanks for your comment,

      actually, I agree on both counts. I’m aware it only applies to a very narrow set of mirrored pool configurations, and I’m also aware this is no enterprise-grade solution. However, for a home server it provides a quickfix solution without the hassle and cost of remote replication or a tape unit.

      And on the plus side, soft errors will at least be detectable..

    • Asdf 23:04 on 10 Oct. 2012 Permalink

      Instead of dedup, you can put one VM in a separate zfs filesystem, and then you clone it (via snapshot). Each clone will read from the master zfs filesystem but store changes on it’s own filesystem. This way you can have many clones of one VM. For instance, setup Windows2012 server as a master. In one clone you install SAP, in another you install Oracle DB, etc. So all clones will read from the win2012 master snapshot.

      Kind of dedup.

  • Urban 16:58 on 9 Jun. 2012 Permalink |  


    I still have a telescope lying around, with an unfulfilled mission to capture last wednesday’s Venus transit. So here’s a shot of the Moon, captured today, early in the morning. The quality is not great, but the craters are nicely visible near the terminator line. The aperture was stopped down using the front cover mask which seemed to mitigate some of the effects of bad seeing and average optics.

    Click for larger image.

  • Urban 00:12 on 13 May. 2012 Permalink |  

    Two simple solutions for server monitoring 

    I needed something very basic to monitor various personal servers that I look after. They’re scattered over multiple networks and behind many different firewalls, so monitoring systems designed for local networks (nagios, munin, etc.) are pretty much out of the question. Actually, this would be possible with something like a reverse SSH tunnel, but with machines scattered all around, this just adds another point of failure and provides no gains compared to a simple heartbeat sent as a cron job from the monitored machine to a central supervisor.

    Email notifications

    The first thing that came to mind was email. It can rely on a cloud email provider (gmail in my case), so it’s scalabe, simple to understand and simple to manage. It’s time-tested, robust and works from behind almost any firewall without problems.

    The approach I found most versatile after some trial and error was a Python script in a cron job. Python was just about the only language that comes bundled with complete SMTP/TLS functionality that’s required to connect to gmail — on virtually any platform (Windows w/Cygwin, any Linux distro, Solaris).

    Here’s the gist of the mail sending code.

    I created a new account on my Google Apps domain, hardcoded the password into the script and installed it as a cron job to send reports once a day or once a week.

    I’ve been using email already for quite some time to notify me of different finished backup jobs, but only recently have I tried this approach to monitor servers; I’ve expanded it to over 10 different machines, and let me tell you that checking ten messages a day quickly becomes a pain, since their information density is exactly zero in most cases. I needed something better.

    A dashboard

    So I decided to build a dashboard to see the status of all the servers. However,

    • I didn’t want to set it up on any of my existing severs, because that would become a single point of failure.
    • I wanted cloud, but not IaaS, where the instance is so fragile that it itself needs monitoring.
    • I wanted a free and scalable PaaS for exactly that reason: somebody manages it so I don’t have to.

    With that in mind I chose Google App engine; I’ve been reluctant to write for and deploy to App engine before because of the lock-in, but for this quick and dirty job it seemed perfect.

    I was also reluctant to share this utter hack job, because it “follows the scratch-an-itch model” and “solve[s] the problem that the hacker, himself, is having without necessarily handling related parts of the problem which would make the program more useful to others”, as someone succintly put it.

    However, just in case someone miht have a similar itch, here it is:

    It’s quite a quickfix allright: no ssl, no auth, no history purging; all problems were solved as quickly as possible, through security by obscurity and through GAE dashboard for managing database entries, and will be addressed once they actually surface. The cost of such minimal solution getting compromised is smaller than the investment needed to fix all the issues or change the URL. Use at your own risk or modify to suit your needs.

    Here’s a screenshot; it uses google static image charts to visualize disk usage and shows basically any chunk of text you compile on the clients inside a tooltip. More categories to come in the future.

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