Trik za vztrajnost
Še posebej uporaben pri programerskem in/ali raziskovalnem delu 🙂 , kjer se hitro srečaš s problemi, ki bi zahtevali vsaj teden dela, rezultate pa hočeš takoj.
Jacob Rabinow1, an electrical engineer, uses an interesting mental technique to slow himself down when work on an invention requires more endurance than intuition: “When I have a job that takes a lot of effort, slowly, I pretend I’m in jail. If I’m in jail, time is of no consequence. In other words, if it takes a week to cut this, it’ll take a week. What else have I got to do? I’m going to be here for twenty years. See? This is a kind of mental trick. Otherwise you say, ‘My God, it’s not working,’ and then you make mistakes. My way, you say time is of absolutely no consequence.”
Izvleček je iz zanimivega (a dolgega) čtiva na temo kreativnosti (The Creative Personality), avtorja Mihalyja Csikszentmihalyija2, ki je znan tudi kot avtor pojma “Flow” — to je občutek popolne zatopljenosti v neko aktivnost, ki predstavlja stanje, v katerem smo najbolj srečni.
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